Escenas de cocción
Centro Cultural de España, 2023
Escenas de Cocción consistió en un performance presentado el día de la visibilidad trans en el marco de un proyecto desarrollado para la plataforma de Arte y acercamiento a lo rural llamada, Inland - Campo Adentro de Madrid. La acción inició cuando dos performers, en escena, se ponen mútuamente delantales para posteriormente develar un enorme telón fabricado con vegetales. Con la ayuda de un hacha, cada unx de lxs performers comenzó a arrancar y cortar uno a uno los vegetales del telón, desmembrándolo, para, posteriormente, tirar los trozos de verduras en dos ollas de caldo hirviendo. Una vez cocida toda la verdura en el caldo, se cocinó una sopa que fue servida y compartida con el público asistente. Esta performance se planteó como una investigación formal, donde la acción de cocinar en escena genera instancias de colaboración comunitaria también exploradas en proyectos como Sopa Bálana.
Happening in a dinner format designed for 8 diners, where a "particular" tasting menu divided into 7 steps was served. The event took place during the ARCO Madrid 2019 fair. It was conceived as an exponent of the Peruvian gastronomic anti-boom about Peru's participation as a guest of honor at the fair that year. The idea of playing the worst ambassador of Peru in Spain was conceived in response to the project Marca Peru, promoted by Promperu (Commission for the Promotion of Peru for Export and Tourism), which seeks to generate national identity from the parameters with which a brand is managed.
The artist, through this proposal, sought to question the idealized concept of belonging to a territory without any fissure governed by class stereotypes, where no kind of reconciliation with the past is sought, but, on the contrary, stories of oppression dating back centuries are omitted.
The event took place at La Pelubrería, an independent space in the neighborhood of Chueca-Madrid, where a hairdresser/bookstore operates and where they have a regular schedule of events dedicated to performance.
As a result of the action, a window of the same barber shop was decorated, which included a collaboration of the artist Esvin Alarcon Lam, called "América Invertida" (Inverted America).